Implant Supported Restorations

Implant dentistry has come a long way in the last few decades, with it now universally recognised as the gold standard of tooth replacement.  With the increase in dental implants placed, comes an increase in the need for implant supported restorations. 

A poorly made implant crown has the potential to compromise the entire dental implant.  Created by dentists with extensive experienced in implant placement and restoration, Premium Dental Lab understands as well as anybody the need to be precise with dental implant restorations, not only in manufacture of the restorations, but in the planning also.  A collaboration between the referring dentist and our experienced technicians, as well as our own experienced implant dentists available for consultation as needed, ensures that no matter the case you can be confident that your patient will receive an exceptional implant restoration, not only aesthetically and functionally, but biologically.   

While there are countless variations of implant supported restorations, the most common implant restorations we provide are:

  • Single tooth implant crown (screw or cement retained)
  • Multi-unit implant bridge (screw of cement retained)
  • Ti-base or customised abutments
  • Temporary implant crown (screw retained)

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any specific needs relating to implant retained restorations.