CEREC Digital Design

CEREC chairside scanners and milling units from DentslpySirona have changed the game for many practices, allowing them to deliver a full crown in a single visit in as little as 2 hours or even less. For posterior teeth, most CEREC clinicians feel comfortable with the whole workflow for posterior teeth. However, there are many dentists that feel uncomfortable with the pressure of delivering anterior teeth chairside, as difficulties with getting the aesthetics of the design right can throw off the whole visit.

So what do we do if we come across a case we don’t feel comfortable designing? Previously, we would take impressions or a digital scan and send it to the laboratory to make the crowns. This is a great option, however then the patient is having to wait for a couple of weeks with temporary crowns. During that wait, patients can have issues with temporary crowns breaking or falling off, inflammation of the gingiva making the insert appointment more challenging, tooth sensitivity and so on. All the while that CEREC mill that you spent good money on, sits in the corner doing nothing. What if there was a better way?

At Premium Dental Lab, we fully endorse and support CEREC workflows and we are there to step in when you feel it is beyond your comfort levels by offering a CEREC digital design service. What’s more, because we work with DentsplySirona InLab software, the native CEREC image files will not lose and quality at all when designed by Premium Dental Lab.

So how does this work?

1 – You prep the teeth and scan the case with your CEREC Scanner
2 – Send that scan to Premium Dental Lab via the Sirona Connect Portal
3 – We will design the crowns for you and have them back within 24 hours
4 – You mill, stain and glaze the crowns in house, as you would for any tooth
5 – Deliver the final crowns to the patient within 1-2 days

Not only does it drastically reduce the time until your patient gets their beautiful teeth, but it will also significantly reduce your cost, by keeping the milling in house.  After all, is that not why you bought the CEREC in the first place?

For more information on our digital design software, or for help in setting up and sending us a case, please get in touch.

Please find here a link to our CEREC digital design protocol flyer